Tips to Incorporate Merchandise while Selling Event Tickets

Events are excellent opportunities to reflect on your brand’s highlights and connect with the target audience. Exploring both online and offline resources is mandatory to expand your brand’s reach. A powerful method can be the use of promotional event merchandise, which enables you to extend your reach and engage with more people during your next event.

Including merchandise in your event ticket-selling strategy opens up a world of possibilities. It’s not just about selling tickets anymore; it’s about creating an unforgettable experience for all your attendees. So why not explore some valuable tips for promotional success and discover a wide range of merchandise options that match your business standards, increase engagement, generate more leads, and help sell tickets overall?

So, whether you’re organising a conference, a music carnival or any other event, get ready to include merchandise that can strengthen the excitement and boost your ticket-selling game. 

Why Is Merchandising Important?

Why Is Merchandising Important
  • By presenting your brand’s name and logo on merchandise, you create a moving advertisement that expresses your brand message to a broader audience.
  • Merchandise can enhance the attendee experience by providing opportunities to buy and use merchandise that creates a connection to the event.
  • Displaying or wearing your merchandise can create customer loyalty; customers can showcase their attachment to your brand.
  • Merchandising has a longer shelf life as a marketing tool, unlike other forms of marketing.
  • Overall, it can generate more revenue by opening up opportunities for sponsorships.

Tips for Selling Tickets and Merchandise at the Same Time

Incorporating merchandise into your sales strategy while selling tickets for your event can be a valuable way to boost the attendee experience and produce additional revenue. Here is a list of tactics to follow when incorporating merchandise in a selling game-

Offering Bundle Ticket and Merchandise Deals:

Offering Bundle Ticket and Merchandise Deals

Attractive bundle deals can allow customers to purchase event tickets and merchandise at a discounted price. This strategy helps purchasers to buy while combining the value of both items into one appealing package. By proposing a discounted price when tickets and merchandise are purchased together, you create a win-win situation for the customers and your business. It initially might sound like a discount and increase in purchasing will, but ultimately, this slight price decrease adds profit for you as an event organiser. Some of the aspects you can follow while creating bundle offers can be

  • Select Items that complement the event.
  • Determine and calculate the discount structure.
  • Highlight the savings to make it appealing.
  • Limited availability creates the need for urgency.
  • Simplify the full purchase process.
  • Add extra value with exclusive Items.

Creating Exclusive Event-Branded Merchandise:

Creating Exclusive Event-Branded Merchandise

Limited event-branded merchandise holds a special attraction for event attendees. When you create merchandise items specifically designed for the event, you also create the human desire for exclusivity and uniqueness. These specially designed products become desired items by the attendees, who want to buy this symbol of their participation in the event.

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The exclusivity of event-branded merchandise generates the fear of missing out among customers. They realise that these items will not stay in the market after a limited time, so they rarely miss the chance of missing them. This urgency encourages them to act quickly and buy the items before the merchandise sells.

To maximise the appeal of this exclusive merchandise, ensure that the designs are characteristic and capture the essence of the event. Collaborating with talented designers to create artwork summarising the event’s themes is better. This careful attention to detail adds value to the merchandise, does free marketing for your event, and makes it a desirable option for potential buyers.

Providing Product Demonstration:

Providing Product Demonstration

How you display your product can be a powerful tool for selling event tickets and merchandise. Here, we have pointed out a list that explains how you can effectively utilise product demonstrations to present the benefits and values of your offerings:

  • Enhance your product demonstrations with visually appealing and interactive content, such as informative videos, animations, or fun images.
  • Storytelling in your product descriptions creates an emotional connection with your audience.
  • Setting up Q&A sessions after the product demonstrations to address concerns from your audience.
  • Incorporating customer reviews or recommendations from influencers or industry experts, which work as proof.
  • Creating a call-to-action button at the end of every effective product description to lead the customers to the actual buying page.

Utilising Online Sales Channels:

Utilising Online Sales Channels

In this technology-based world, using the online platform at its best is the wisest step. As everything is getting used to online channels, why not take advantage of the fullest opportunity for the events industry as well? Select an online platform where you can sell online event tickets and allow your consumers to explore and buy merchandise. Choosing a user-friendly interface that allows customers to browse and select their desired items is always better.

Also, regarding online purchases, offer various secure payment options to accommodate different customer preferences. Accept credit cards, debit cards, and popular digital payment methods. It is crucial to ensure that the online platform has robust security measures to protect customer data and inspire confidence.

The main perk of the online platform, in this case, is that it enables customers who may not attend the event to purchase merchandise. This helps expand your event’s reach and generates extra revenue.

Promoting in Social Media:

Promoting in Social Media

Social media promotion is a helpful method of selling event tickets and merchandise that allows you to reach a broad audience and generate buzz regarding the offers. Identify the social media platforms that match your target audience and your event and merchandise type. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn are popular options where you will get most of the audiences.

Use high-quality images, videos, and content that express the uniqueness and desirability of your event or merchandise. Eye-catching headlines and concise captions can be the first options to work on. Also, inspire your audience to create and share content connected to your event or merchandise. This will motivate others to buy tickets and invest in the showcased merchandise. Lastly, collaborate with influencers and engage them to promote your event and merchandise through sponsored posts and reviews on social media.

Following Up with Post-Event Opportunities:

Following Up with Post-Event Opportunities

Connecting with the attendees after the event ends can be crucial in maximising the value of your event and merchandise sales. It ensures the attendees are invested in the right place, allowing them to focus more on your merchandise. Here’s a list of tools you can effectively use in post-event follow-ups to continue engaging with your audience and generating further sales:

  • Thank you emails
  • Exclusive post-event offers
  • Collect and showcase customer feedback.
  • Reflect user-generated content
  • Loyalty programs or rewards
  • Share highlights
  • Continuous engagement on social media

These simple steps can create a good impression of your event and influence the audience to attend more events arranged by your organisation.

How Do I Encourage Customers to Buy Merchandise?

How Do I Encourage Customers to Buy Merchandise

The first thing to do is create visually appealing displays that attractively showcase your merchandise. Using eye-catching signage and products creatively can be a great idea, too. Additionally, try providing clear and concise product information, highlighting the benefits and features of each item. Offer exclusive discounts, bundle deals, or limited-edition items to create an atmosphere of urgency and exclusivity. It’s always better to engage with customers and help them find the right merchandise for their needs. Lastly, influence social media and email marketing to generate excitement about your merchandise, where online-only deals or pre-order opportunities can be great, too.

To conclude, selling event tickets and merchandise simultaneously is a powerful strategy to enhance your brand image, connect with your audience, and drive revenue. As an event organiser, you often skip the simplest yet effective methods while selling your merchandise and event tickets. So, by applying the tips presented in this article, where the key is to offer value and give it an exclusive vibe, you can create a seamless experience for your customers, attracting them to attend your event and take home a memory of it through merchandise. So, prepare to take your event to new heights, fascinate your audience, and leave a lasting impression on the event and your merchandise.

Bonus tips Event Postponed? 10+ Ways to Keep Your Ticket Sales Alive

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